the real work life in the city

2011/ 09/ 29 Thursday

Today is a hectic day in the factory – my learning environment. I picked up some skill as a pattern cutting technician, a connecting rod assembler, and a silk screen technician.

Most of our workers are in their early twenties to early thirties. Most workers are piece work workers; the piece work system gives them incentives. I understand one can expect to make a decent wage if one works a lot overtimes. The question is: Do you want to work that much overtime?

We had a lengthy meeting this afternoon, it involved issues of time offs during the up coming October/ 1st national holiday. There are three unit leaders; I believe they are all under the age of thirty.

The factory I am in, has a floor area of about thirty thousand square feet, three floors, three production lines, it is very spacious. Management provides three meals a day, plus living quarters.

Because of the nature of the light products we make, workers are not required to wear safety foot wear and rightfully understand as such.

Did it rain yesterday, it rained buckets, and the weather turned cool over night, it helps sleeping.

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